Eviction Served!

BB Davis
2 min readOct 24, 2020

July 24, 2020

Notice has been given, and the eviction is officially served — you are no longer welcome; in fact, I didn’t invite you! You showed up on the scene unexpectedly — uninvited — unwanted, and your time is officially up!

Your actual arrival date is still unclear. We didn’t have time to do a background check. You entered by force. You showed up five or six months ago, joined by chaos, disrupting life as we knew it. Thirty days of sheltering in place, social distancing, mask-wearing, business and school closures, death of loved ones, and so much more. You weren’t welcome then, and you’re not welcome now. We did not roll out the red carpet for you. As a matter of fact, the borders were closed, and all sources of public transportation ceased when you arrived. There were no hints, we’ve made it loud and clear you have no place here! You are not welcomed or wanted. Eviction Served!

You have caused enough problems, flipping our lives upside down, impacting every household in one way or another. I was sent home from work early because you showed up on my job, causing closure. I’ve never done anything to you. I’m still not sure who you are or where you’re from. You’ve shown up in so many disguises it’s hard to determine who you are. You’re creating new strains, leading to new symptoms as if we won’t know it’s you. Rumor has it you’re from China, but how you got there is still a mystery. You’re so bold you invaded more than one country at a time. The truth is, no one invited you, and no one wants you to stay. You had the audacity to break into my house, attack, and attach to me.

Georgia has no room for you. We thought you were evacuating the area, then you showed up in greater numbers and started this mess all over again. We are still trying to recover from your initial entry when you came in like a thief in the night. You have impacted our homes, jobs, businesses, schools, families, economy, medical system, and we are done. Eviction Served!

Pack your bags — no, don’t pack — grab everything associated with you and get the HELL out! EVICTION SERVED!

BB Davis

