Play by the Rules!

BB Davis
2 min readOct 6, 2020

July 13, 2020

Play by the Rules!

I mentioned there were various aspects of me in another entry, so today I share another side of me. You all know I am a Black mother and proud of it, but before I was a mother, I was a wife. I am the wife of a big, strong, yet gentle, loving, and caring Black man, so my concerns lie with him daily.

When I think back over the situation with Rashard Brooks, another Black husband and father took from his family senselessly, my heart aches, my anger rises, and I pick up my weapon to express my feelings. How do his wife and children go on? With their king murdered, how do they make the next move? Rashard was taken out too soon for no apparent reason. What led the killers of George Floyd and Rashard Brooks to believe they had the authority to capture and kill them? I’m sure they had many more moves to make before reaching a point of checkmate.

As a wife, I watch my husband strategize, plan, and contemplate his next moves daily. He never implements a plan without considering the consequences of his actions. Even when having to make split-second decisions, he pauses before he reacts. He understands the stress associated with each move he makes because he realizes it not only impacts him but all the members of his team. There’s an impact on our family, his business partners, employees, and even their families. There is also the mental — physical — emotional — and spiritual effect connected to every move he makes.

I wonder if the killers of George and Rashard had considered the global impact their moves would have if they would have made the same moves or decided to make another play. Maybe if they had considered other moves, the outcomes might have been different. This game is not for everyone. It requires focus and concentration, but most of all, the players must understand the ultimate goal of the game.

Because Ahmaud’s killers did not appear familiar with the history of the game, it ended wrong. The ultimate goal of the game is to “Shah Mat” (ambush) the king, not kill him.

Merely understanding the rules could be the difference between life and death. Maybe Rashard, George, and Ahmaud’s killers understood the rules and felt capturing the kings was not enough and decided to make their own rules — they decided to kill the kings — our kings. All we ask is that you play fairly. Checkmate means capture NOT kill, and the rules should not be different because we’re Black. Play by the rules!

BB Davis

